Younger generations often follow the same sports teams as their parents. This is due to a variety of factors, such as being exposed to the team through their parents, developing a sense of loyalty to the team, and enjoying the shared experience of watching games together.
However, these new generations are now spending more time in the digital world. Generation Z (born between 1997-2012) and Generation Alpha (born after 2012) have grown up with technology as a normal part of their lives, and as a result, they tend to spend more time online and gaming compared to previous generations. In the future, we also expect these generations to watch their favourite sports teams in the digital world (Metaverse).
In the physical world people dress in a certain way to reflect their identity, whether that be a specific style or something that connects them with a specific group i.e. their sport team. But as people are now spending more time in the Digital World they also need to be able to ‘wear’ their identity and this is where we believe there is a big opportunity for Digital Collectibles and Digital Wearables (NFTs).