NFT Workx Newsletter – July / August 2024

Home NFT Workx Newsletter – July / August 2024

Hey Everyone,

Welcome to this month’s edition of the NFT Workx newsletter – and after having a month off in July we have a lot of news and updates for you! 

In this edition, we will cover: 

  • Mobile App Launch – Success!
  • .WRKX Domain Launch – Success!
  • VentureBeat Article Published!
  • $WRKX Token Updates!
  • $WRKX Token AirDrop Incoming!
  • $WRKX Discounted Token Pre Sale!
  • NFT Workx Rebrand!

Asset Workx App Launch – Success!

The Asset Workx App launch was a big success!

– 1,500+ App Downloads!

– 1,433 Registered Users!

– Positive App Reviews:

 – 4.8 out of 5 (Apple/iOS)

 – 4.5 out of 5 (Google/Android)

If you are yet to install the App please do so now! Click here for iOS and here for Android

.WRKX Domain Name Launch – Success!

The .WRKX domain name launch was a huge success with strong domain name sales and significant press coverage!

– 290+ .WRKX domain name purchased & claimed!

– Global Press Coverage including:

     – Yahoo Finance

     – Security Brief Asia


     – NFT Plaza’s

     – Crypto News

     – Blockbuster

     – Alexa Blockchain

     – NFT Gators

If you’ve not yet claimed your personalised .WRKX domain don’t miss out! Click here to search now.

VentureBeat Article Published

After 6 months of hard work, interviews, editing, blog posts and more, we are pleased to announce that our article has now been published on VentureBeat.

I’d like to say a big thank you to all my interviewees who took the time out of their busy schedule to contribute their experiences and knowledge, which enabled us to put together this article.

If you’ve not yet read it you can check it out here

$WRKX Token Updates

Strong Price Growth

The WRKX token has been on an upward trend for the last few months, hitting a recent price high of $0.02 again.

The entire market is down over the last few days and so has the .WRKX token but we expect things to get back on track as we move into September and beyond.

$WRKX AirDrop Incoming

Yes, you heard it right…as we begin to prepare to launch the $WRKX token on a decentralised exchange, we want to provide our current fans and investors with a chance for some free tokens, as well as attracting new users to our project.

The AirDrop campaign will begin this month so watch this space!

$WRKX IDO Pre Sale

Ahead of the $WRKX IDO we will be offering a discounted token ‘Pre Sale’ for Whitelisted users. The Whitelist will open in September and will be part of the AirDrop campaign.

More details and information to follow! 🙂


NFT Workx was founded back in November 2021 when our core focus was on the new technology around NFTs. 

Since then things have evolved and developed a lot, and although we still utilise Non Fungible Token technology, our narrative is now more focused on Tokenizing Real World Assets and with this in mind, we have decided that it was a good time for a Rebrand!

NFT Workx will be rebranded to Web3 Workx on the 16th August 2024. 

This updated brand represents a wider focus on the Web3 services we offer and better reflects who we are today.

But don’t worry, you won’t need to do anything. All socials, websites and channel addresses will remain the same. We will simply be updating the main domain name, logo and listing titles!

As always, we appreciate your continued support and look forward to providing you with more news and updates next month 🙂

Kind regards


Adam Leese
Workx UK Ltd / WRKX LLC